Wednesday, July 27, 2011

The beginning...

Bohemian Duše: Bohemian Soul

I am a young adult living in Midwest America. Although my world can sometimes seem closed off and conservative to the outside--I love it. I was born and raised here and have only left for spurts of time, but I am always happiest when home. My dad once researched our family's heritage and discovered many of our relatives were from Bohemia. After he revealed his results of his search it seemed fitting that my ancestors came from the region. My friends, whether high school, college or the real world have always commented on my unique sense of style and my desire to constantly be slightly off center from the norm.


Czech, Čechy. a region in the W Czech Republic: formerly akingdom in central europe; under Hapsburg rule 1526–1918.10,291,927; 20,101 sq. mi. (52,060 sq. km).
( often lowercase ) a district inhabited by persons, typicallyartists, writers, and intellectuals, whose way of life, dress,etc., are generally unconventional or avant-garde.
( often lowercase ) the social circles where such behavior isprevalent.

(Info taken from

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