Monday, August 15, 2011


Have you ever had a dream that seemed so real and cool that you woke up disappointed and curious? I did! In my dream,
My parents had purchased a new home. It was huge and full of nooks and crannies and unusual spaces. It seemed very old and paint was chipped along the walls and near the ceiling. There was a door, about 1/3 way up the wall. I pushed on it and it creaked open to this room with only two walls. The other two spaces where walls should have been was open to the outside. Only pillars held the ceiling up. I asked if it could be my room and my dad said okay. We started analyzing how to decorate and keep the elements out but keep it airy. My dad quickly told me to hurry we had dinner plans to get to. I didn't have time to do my makeup or hair and in the rush....I woke up.

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